Book Joshua
5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

Strawberry-Basil Jalepeńo ice-cream

Do you care about what people think? Do you strive to fit in, maintain professionalism, and embody stoicism? STOP. Theatrics and showmanship are good for business!

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Never Hire Based on Qualifications!

Too often people spend countless hours writing a list of qualifications for a position with a dream candidate in mind. While it is understandable that we all want the best people for our companies…

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The Holy Grail of Business Development: Customer Loyalty

Genuine customer loyalty is the Holy Grail of business development. Loyal customers will not only come back for more business, they will endorse you for free, make introductions to their friends, and protect you from your competition…

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The Selflessness of Serving Others

Everyone is in the business of serving others… or at least they should be. The best way to build a phenomenal business is to have staff and team members that genuinely want to serve. Whether it is serving the clientele or serving…

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You Will Never be the Best if you are Mimicking your Competition

Most businesses want to be better than their competition. Yet, the vast majority of organizations look towards their competition for ideas. This is a stagnant way of doing business. If any organization wants become peerless, they must be different…

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The Curse of “How we’ve always done it”

Someone with vision will always outperform someone with experience. Experience is great! People learn wonderful things through their actions and through ‘trial and error’. People with experience should be treated as coveted assets by any business…

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Some Reservations with Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are noble at their core. It is a well intended way to make positive changes in our personal and professional lives. However, the abandoned resolution has become more common than the completion of these resolutions…

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Patient Experience is More than a Pretty Lobby

While aesthetics play a large role in a patient’s impression, their overall experience is much deeper. It goes beyond a receptionist’s smile or the operation’s efficiency. Every moment, down to the most miniscule interaction plays a part in the overall experience…

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How to Have Focus in the Chaos

Chaos is a reality in too many organizations. Thriving in the midst of madness can be nerve wracking and exhausting. During the holiday season this can be exacerbated even further…

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The Impossible Utopia – Striving for Greatness in the Realm of Reality

Every manager and executive dreams of a perfectly crafted business that runs like clockwork. We would all like to see a business with loyal employees, fanatical clients, and best in class positioning in the marketplace…

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