Book Joshua
5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

20 Things you can do TODAY to be More Motivated

Here are 20 things you can do today to make yourself more motivated:

  1. List your goals
  2. List Your accomplishments
  3. List your blessings
  4. Complement a Stranger
  5. High Five someone
  6. List three tasks you completed yesterday
  7. List three tasks you are going to complete this week
  8. Review your personal journey
  9. Daydream about your perfect vacation
  10. Thank someone you work with
  11. Let someone close to you what you plan to achieve in the next 90 days
  12. Go on a social media diet
  13. Stop watching TV
  14. Avoid interacting with negative people
  15. Read a personal development book
  16. Look at famous quotes of successful people
  17. Create a dream board
  18. Take 10 uninterrupted minutes of quite reflection
  19. Smile more
  20. Affirm yourself in the mirror
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