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5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

14 ways to rekindle your Enthusiasm for work

14 ways to rekindle your Enthusiasm for work

Everyone started their first day of work from a place of enthusiasm. It’s day 300 where the challenges seem overwhelming and the pay seems too small for what you have to put up with. We all long for that excitement again. We all want to feel empowered and engaged in our roles. To help you do that I have put together a list of 14 ways you can become enthusiastic once again. Enjoy.

    1. Remember the positive impact your role has on your team members
    2. Make a list of the things you love about your role
    3. Thank someone else for doing a good job in their role
    4. Make your goal everyday to make someone laugh
    5. Consciously smile when walking into work
    6. Listen to uplifting music on the drive in
    7. Write down the large accomplishments you have achieved in your role
    8. High five 3 people before you start work
    9. Change your routine to freshen up your attitude
    10. Gamify a part of your work that seems monotonous
    11. Start an office wide challenge
    12. Offer help to someone
    13. Reward/Incentivise yourself for reaching milestones
    14. Make a conscious decision to be more enthusiastic
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