Book Joshua
5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

3 Cures for When you Hate your Job

Do you hate your job? I’m so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. Years ago I was in the exact same situation. I used to hate my job. I felt stuck without any clue on how to change my situation. I was continually waiting for something to happen…

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You Are Either Green and Growing or Ripe and Rotting

The world of business is constantly evolving and adapting and if you organization fails to adjust you may be doomed. Okay, that may sound a bit intense, but it happens. Many times the changes are slow and gradual with huge shifts…

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Do NOT Prioritize Your Schedule!

You will never get everything done. It’s that simple. There are always more tasks to be completed than there are hours in a day. So what do you do? You you prioritize your schedule. You write down a list of everything…

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The Polite “NO”

It sounds mean, almost like personal attack when you hear it. With Amazon, Netflix, and UBER we have become so accustomed to getting exactly what we want immediately that we’ve lost the ability to say ‘No’ and we’ve forgotten the value of using the word…

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The Fog of War… Scratch that: The Fog of Business

Admit it, you have sat in a meeting wondering about what the other people are thinking. You glance around the room, keeping your cards close to your vest. You pontificate, posture, sabre rattle, and put up a facade to mislead colleagues…

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How To Battle Burnout!

You know that friend or colleague that is so fatigued that they could collapse at any moment. They seem like even the slightest thing could push them over the edge. You’ve seen that look before… they are burned out…

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Consistency isn’t always a Good thing!

Consistency is only good when you are consistently great. Someone that is consistently subpar is horrible. When we talk about being consistent, we need to make sure the bar has been set high…

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Secret of the Wildly Successful: Fortune Favors the Bold

Yes. Throughout history, the greatest thinkers, inventors, and innovators have been bold in their conventions and not shy about their accomplishments. Being bold is not just about being loud…

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Some Reservations with Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are noble at their core. It is a well intended way to make positive changes in our personal and professional lives. However, the abandoned resolution has become more common than the completion of these resolutions…

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How to Have Focus in the Chaos

Chaos is a reality in too many organizations. Thriving in the midst of madness can be nerve wracking and exhausting. During the holiday season this can be exacerbated even further…

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