Book Joshua
5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

Committing to Excellence

“Commit to Excellence” the poster reads. It was placed in the break room by a well meaning individual. The intention was to remind everyone to strive for the extraordinary. And why should’t every organization want their employees to be above average?

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No One Willingly Leaves Paradise.

The first thing that comes to mind is someone on vacation. Enjoying themselves, wondering why they would ever return to their normal lives. Forget that association for moment. I am speaking about building a workplace paradise for employees and staff members…

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20 Things you can do TODAY to be More Motivated

Here are 20 things you can do today to make yourself more motivated: List your goals, List Your accomplishments, List your blessings, Complement a Stranger…

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