Do you think of your work as an obligation? Does it feel like drudgery? Or maybe you love what you do, and every day feels like an opportunity to excel at your vocation. Your perception of your work influences how successful and fulfilled you feel in your career, so it’s important to understand how to direct your perceptions. Here are three easy ways to reframe how you perceive your work so that it can positively impact your effectiveness at work and significantly improve your mental health and happiness overall.
People who are positive in their perception tend to be more effective, both at work and in life. If you’re feeling negative or depressed at work, try shifting your perception and see how it impacts not only your mood but also how effective you can be at performing tasks.
Human beings have a bad habit of comparing themselves to one another. And it’s one of those habits that can have both positive and negative impacts on our lives. When we compare ourselves to others, we often end up feeling good about our own situation because, hey, things could be worse! But sometimes these comparisons lead us to feel jealous or resentful—and that only makes us feel bad. So how can we let go of these kinds of comparisons in order to make our own lives better?
Most people have a negative perception of their job, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A simple change in mindset can be all that is required to turn things around. If you’re just starting out on your career path, focus on what excites you about your job and don’t get distracted by naysayers. No matter what industry or position you are in, there are opportunities for self-improvement every day.
Check out this article from Cambridge about Negative Relationships in the Workplace
If a belief is getting in your way, it’s not true for you. One of my favorite ways to address issues like these is by asking myself how I would view them if they were 100% true. What would that mean? How would I respond to that information or situation? If what I was thinking was really true, how could I use that information to benefit myself and others in my life? The idea behind doing so is quite simple: negative beliefs are never 100% true. It’s impossible. So when we think about our lives as though they were completely true, we can begin to see things differently—and more positively. And when we change our thoughts, we change our lives!
Check out another article I wrote on How to Start Your Day Off Right.