It may seem like common sense, but how you start your day has a direct impact on your productivity, happiness, and, in turn, how those around you perceive you. How we start our days is simply the foundation on which our days are built, so it’s important to begin each day right. Here are 10 ways to start your day off right at work or at home — or both!
According to a recent study, participants who logged less than six hours of sleep had twice as many negative interactions with coworkers compared with those who got more shut-eye. It’s true that your mental health can impact your physical health—and getting a good night’s rest is vital for overall well-being.
It’s a fact that people who wake up early are more productive and generally happier. Waking up early allows you a few minutes of quiet time before your coworkers arrive, which helps you start your day off on a positive note and prevents feelings of resentment or jealousy from spoiling your mood.
Exercising in the morning helps wake your body up and jump-start your metabolism, so you’re not wasting time during the day when you could be using that time to exercise. The endorphins released during exercise are a great way to reduce stress and make us happier. Plus, feeling good is contagious—it’s one of those if I do it then maybe everyone else will follow type of things. Once we feel good, we start interacting with our coworkers differently.
Getting enough water, fruits, vegetables, and fiber early in your day will kick-start digestion for a longer period of time. This means you’ll have more energy and be less likely to get hungry later on during your workday. Plus, eating breakfast gets your metabolism going so you can burn more calories throughout your entire day!
How you start your day will set you up for success or failure. The first hour of your workday is often the most important, because it’s when you can immediately put into place new strategies and tactics to ensure a productive day. If you don’t have anything planned—or if what’s on your schedule doesn’t align with where you want to be at month end—you could find yourself spinning your wheels for an entire day.
Meditation allows us to center ourselves and fully engage in our lives. If you are feeling frazzled, try meditating for 15 minutes a day before work—it will help you start your day off focused, so you can come into work and engage your coworkers from a place of positivity and optimism.
Before jumping into your tasks for the day, it’s important to check in with yourself and make sure you’re starting off on a positive note. Having a set morning routine will help you reduce stress and anxiety so that you can be at your best all day long.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in your routine and forget about making time for human interaction. Even if you don’t want to meet with a large group of people, try finding ways that your job or hobby can allow you to spend time with others. You might be surprised at how good it feels.
When it comes to having a fit and healthy body, we all know how important it is for us to stretch. When we sit down at our desk every morning after waking up, starting with stretching is one of the best ways for us not only boost our energy level but also prevent injuries from happening. Here are 10 great stretches you can do at your workplace.
We live in a fast-paced world where we expect a lot from ourselves and others. However, it’s important to end your day by thinking about tomorrow and planning for what you have coming up. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours at your desk trying to get everything done. If you can, though, grab 15 minutes or so before bed and make sure you write down any tasks or things that are on your mind so that you can start fresh in the morning.
Check out this article on not letting work invade your personal life.
Of check out this article on starting your day with purpose.