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5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

How to Ignite the Hidden Potential in Your Team

How to Ignite the Hidden Potential in Your Team

Every leader has been there; you have a great team assembled, they’re competent and effective, but you want them to level up; you want them to care more. Many leaders can see this hidden potential within their team members and they want to tap into it. The question is how? It isn’t easy but with this step-by-step guide, your team will be fired up in no time!


Step 1: Take Ownership

The first step is for you, as the leader, to take ownership. You need to be clear about what it is you want your team to achieve and why it’s important. Once you’re clear on your vision, communicate it to your team. Make sure they understand what’s expected of them and why their work matters.


Step 2: Have Purpose

Every team member, no matter how good they are, needs to know why they’re doing what they’re doing. Without purpose, it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day and lose sight of the bigger picture. When your team has a clear purpose, they can stay focused and motivated, even when things get tough.


Step 3: Hold Yourself Accountable

If you want your team to step up, you have to set the example. That means being accountable for your own actions and taking responsibility when things go wrong. When you make a mistake, own up to it and apologize. This will show your team that you’re committed to doing better and that you expect them to do the same.


Step 4: Get Supportive Team Members On Board

Talk to the team members who you know will be supportive of your efforts and get them on board. These people can help you spread the word, provide moral support, and be a sounding board for your ideas. Plus, their buy-in will help increase buy-in from other team members.


Step 5: Tell Them Why They Should Care About Work

If you want your team to care more about work, start by telling them why their work matters. Help them see how their individual roles contribute to the company’s overall mission. When people feel like they’re part of something larger, they’re more likely to be engaged and enthusiastic about their work. Help them form an emotional connection to their contributuion by helping them follow the impact that their work has on those that depend on them.


Step 6: Help Them Find Meaning

It’s not enough for your team members to just be competent; you want them to care. And one of the best ways to get them to care is to help them find meaning in their work. When they see how their work contributes to the bigger picture, they’ll be more motivated and engaged. Here are a few ways you can help your team members find meaning


Check out why Purpose is the New Standard


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