When you are watching the best keynote speakers, there are two things that you can be sure of; they will be using their stage time effectively and they will make you want more when they’re done. The best keynote speakers know how to keep your attention and make their speeches memorable, but what are the methods that allow them to do this? Here are three reasons why the best keynote speakers leave their audiences wanting more.
Your audience wants to be able to connect with you. They want to feel like they’re talking to a friend or colleague and yet still maintain a professional persona. This can be difficult, but is something that every speaker must strive for in order to have an effective presentation. So, how do you accomplish both? One way is by being yourself on stage. You don’t need to pretend to be someone else; just relax and let your personality shine through as much as possible. When it comes time for you to deliver key points, make sure that you are clear about them so your listeners will understand what it is you are trying to say. If there are any terms or concepts that might confuse people, try using metaphors or stories to help explain these ideas more clearly.
Humor is a wonderful way to make your presentation unique. Whether you’re telling stories or using props, humor can bring your audience into your message in a memorable way. One of my favorite ways to add humor is through human interest stories. In short, these are about real people who struggle with or face challenges in their daily lives. As such, they are relatable and help us see how we can apply our ideas to our own lives; we bond over shared experiences.
If you’re trying to learn a new topic—but having trouble grasping it—try injecting your key points into what you already know. It’s called knowledge injection, and it’s great for learning new information in an accessible way. For example, if you’re trying to learn about how computers work but don’t understand basic binary logic, try looking at how computers are used in everyday life (like digital cameras or GPS devices) and then think about how binary code is being used behind-the-scenes. That might make things click for you! The key is to leave your audience wanting more.
Want to know more? Check out this article on the 7 Characteristics of a Great Keynote Speaker
Or check out this one: HERE