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Too Much Information: How Oversharing Harms Morale

Too Much Information: How Oversharing with Your Team can Harm Morale

Is it important to be transparent with your team? Absolutely. However, some leaders lean towards oversharing information with their teams, creating unnecessary confusion and anxiety in their teams and building distrust. How can we find the middle ground of information sharing with our teams to keep them content? Learn how to strike this balance here.


What is oversharing?

Oversharing is when a leader divulges too much information to their team. This can be anything from sharing personal information to sharing confidential company information. When a leader overshares, it can create unnecessary confusion and anxiety in their team. The team may feel like they are not being trusted with important information, or that the leader is not confident in their ability to do their job.


What are some common scenarios where a leader overshares?

A leader might overshare information with their team in an attempt to be transparent, but this can have the opposite effect. Too much information can create confusion and anxiety, and make it difficult for team members to focus on their work. In some cases, a leader might withhold information from their team, which can build distrust and uncertainty. It’s important to find a middle ground when sharing information with your team, so that you don’t inadvertently harm morale.


What happens when you don’t share enough information with your team members?

If you’re not sharing enough information with your team, you’re likely to see a decrease in morale. Employees who feel like they’re in the dark are more anxious and stressed, which can lead to lower productivity. Additionally, withholding information can build distrust between you and your team. If you want to create a positive, cohesive work environment, it’s important to find the middle ground when it comes to sharing information.


The best ways to share information without causing confusion or worry

1. Only share what is absolutely necessary.
2. Make sure the information you are sharing is clear and concise.
3. Give employees time to process the information you’ve shared.
4. Follow up after sharing information to ensure understanding.
5. Encourage questions and feedback from employees after sharing information.


HBR Article on Leaders and Oversharing


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