Be honest, how often do you thank your boss? Or express your appreciation to them? Most people can’t even remember the last time they did this, even though they’d certainly feel better if they did it more often. A thank you card or email doesn’t have to be long and winded or over-the-top, but it will make your boss feel special and important—which in turn will help them to feel better about themselves and their role in the company as a whole. As business professionals, we often overlook the power of a simple gesture.
Whether you’re just starting out or climbing higher in your career, one of these simple gestures will be sure to make an impact on your boss. It can make a big difference: Even if you don’t feel like your job is insecure right now, you never know when your boss might consider replacing you with someone who better fits into their team. And even if that day never comes, it’s important to show appreciation for people who have been instrumental in your growth.
Tell your boss you appreciate them. Even if you don’t feel like it, go ahead and tell them you enjoy working with them, and let them know how much they mean to you. If you work in a field where coworkers may not be as close or connected as they could be, make an effort to get to know each other on a personal level.
Writing a thank-you note takes very little time, and it can make a world of difference. When you let your boss know how much you appreciate them, their view of you will change for the better—and in turn, so will your chances of promotion. So today, sit down and tell your boss how much they mean to you with one simple gesture: a hand-written thank-you note.
It’s a simple gesture, but one that will make an impact. People need to feel respected and appreciated, says Bruce Tulgan, founder of Rainmaker Thinking. We often get so caught up in what we do and how we look doing it that we forget about making people feel good about who they are and what they do for us. Next time you want to show your boss appreciation (or anyone else on your team), keep these tips in mind
A little appreciation goes a long way. It can encourage people to keep putting their best foot forward and pushing hard to achieve goals together. When was the last time you told your boss how much they mean to you? What’s stopping you from doing so? The next time you’re feeling down, ask yourself what your boss would say if she could read your mind right now. Chances are, it wouldn’t be flattering.
Check out how to focus on your attitude instead of your resume here.