Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. It’s 3 PM on a Wednesday afternoon, and the team is dragging. The coffee machine is running on overdrive, and the energy drinks have been cracked open. But somehow, despite the caffeine overload, productivity is still at an all-time low. So, what’s missing? The secret ingredient that can re-energize a team and kick-start motivation: purpose.
Time to chuck the corporate buzzword bingo cards and get down to brass tacks. If your team’s purpose sounds like it was generated by throwing a thesaurus into a blender—“synergize proactive paradigms for holistic scalability”—you’ve lost the plot. Let’s strip it back, shall we? A purpose shouldn’t need a decoder ring to understand. It’s not about impressing the boardroom with high-falutin’ phrases that sound impressive but mean zilch.
Imagine explaining your team’s purpose to a five-year-old. If you can’t boil it down to a sentence that would keep their attention between cartoon episodes, it’s back to the drawing board. A real, tangible purpose is like your team’s North Star—visible, guiding, and not shrouded in corporate mystique.
Instead of saying, “We leverage innovative strategies to drive forward-thinking solutions,” how about, “We solve problems in ways no one’s thought of yet”? Simple, direct, and a heck of a lot more inspiring. It’s the difference between a team that mechanically nods through meetings, and one that’s fired up to storm the castle gates.
So, scrap the jargon and get to the heart of why your team shows up every day. When your purpose is as clear as that last cup of coffee you probably didn’t need, watch as motivation and energy do more than just spike—they sustain. And hey, you might just save on the coffee budget too.
Alright, brace yourselves for a revelation that might just cause your espresso shot to do a spit-take: your team members are not corporate drones. Shocking, I know! They are wonderfully complex humans with their own dreams, ambitions, and Netflix queues. So, when we talk about marrying the team’s grand purpose with their individual goals, we’re not suggesting a Vegas-style elopement; we’re talking about a match made in productivity heaven.
Think of it this way: your team’s purpose is the blockbuster hit of the summer, and each team member’s personal goals are the critic reviews. When the reviews are in sync with the movie’s theme, box office records break. When they’re not, well, you get “Gigli.” To avoid a box office bomb, it’s crucial to find where the team’s purpose and individual goals can share a bucket of popcorn. It’s about making sure everyone’s personal script contributes to the overall storyline in a meaningful way.
Here’s a pro tip: Have one-on-one chats that dig deeper than the usual “How’s that TPS report coming along?” Ask about their goals, their career aspirations, and yes, even their weekend plans. Then, illuminate the path that connects these personal ambitions directly to the yellow brick road of the team’s purpose.
When Larry from accounting sees that crunching those numbers isn’t just about making budgets meet but is actually fueling the team’s rocket ship to success, you’ll see a sparkle in his eye that no amount of coffee could ever induce. Aligning purpose with individual goals is the secret sauce to transforming a group of individuals into a unified, unstoppable force. And unlike caffeine, its effects don’t wear off after a few hours.
Whisper it in the hallways, scribble it on the bathroom stalls, shout it from the rooftops—if your team’s purpose isn’t spreading like the juiciest piece of office gossip, are you even trying? Picture this: instead of the usual chatter about who forgot their lunch in the fridge for two weeks, imagine your team buzzing with talks of purpose. That’s right, make it the topic hotter than the latest “who’s dating who” in Hollywood.
Why keep the excitement of your team’s purpose cooped up like a secret family recipe? It’s not grandma’s pecan pie we’re talking about; this is the flavor that will zest up every project and meeting from here on out. Start dropping hints of your purpose in every email, embed it into your Slack emojis, maybe even into your Zoom backgrounds. Transform mundane Monday morning meetings by kicking off with a purpose pep talk that makes TED talks look like a snoozefest.
Remember, your team’s purpose should be as contagious as that one summer hit you can’t get out of your head. It should echo through the corridors, bounce off the walls, and infiltrate watercooler conversations. And just like that one earworm, it should stick with your team, motivating their actions and decisions long after the initial excitement has faded. So, let’s turn the volume up on purpose. After all, if it’s not spreading like wildfire, it might just fizzle out like yesterday’s news. And we can’t have that, now, can we?
Ah, “Walk the Walk—Purpose Needs To Be Visible,” the section where we dive into the age-old wisdom of “actions speak louder than emojis” (or something like that). If your team’s purpose is as invisible as the office ghost who keeps stealing your lunch, then we’ve got a problem. Slapping a purpose statement on a wall and calling it a day is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
Let’s get real; your team isn’t going to buy into the purpose if they see you treating it like last year’s business fad. Remember that time you tried enforcing Hawaiian Shirt Fridays and it ended up being just you and a confused intern? Yeah, we don’t want your purpose to end up like that. It’s time to embody that purpose like you’re auditioning for the role of “Most Inspirational Leader of the Year.”
When decisions are made, let the team see the purpose behind them. Turn those boring budget meetings into a riveting episode of “Purpose in Action,” starring you and your calculator. Got a tough customer service call? Show how your purpose guides the way you handle it, making it less of a “let me transfer you” scenario and more of a “let’s solve this together” moment.
In essence, don’t just be the voice of your team’s purpose; be its heartbeat. Let it pulse through the veins of every project, decision, and interaction. Because if you’re not living it, then why should they? Remember, a purpose that’s all talk is like a decaf coffee—what’s the point?
Okay, rally the troops because we’re about to let you in on a little secret that’s as groundbreaking as discovering your coffee machine has a ‘double shot’ button: Purpose is a group project. That’s right, folks—grab your sticky notes and glitter pens because we’re getting artsy with brainstorming sessions that would make Pinterest proud. Here’s the kicker: everyone’s got a seat at this roundtable, from the intern who still can’t find the break room to the veteran who’s got more tenure than the office ficus.
Encouraging everyone to toss their ideas into the purpose potluck not only spices things up but ensures that every voice is heard. It’s like forming the world’s most eclectic rock band; every instrument adds its unique sound to the hit single that is your team’s purpose. Think of it as crowdsourcing the soul of your team—because let’s be honest, nothing says “we value your input” quite like inviting someone to graffiti the metaphorical wall of purpose with their own brand of spray paint.
So, crank up the brainstorming sessions, open the floor, and watch as your team’s purpose transforms from a solo acoustic act into a full-blown orchestral symphony. Because at the end of the day, the best purposes are those sung in harmony, not solo.
Pop the champagne and toss the confetti—not just for the earth-shattering achievements but for the little victories that keep the ship sailing. Imagine treating every success, whether it’s nailing a client presentation or finally figuring out the office coffee machine, like it’s headline news. Why? Because recognizing these moments amplifies the vibe that every action, driven by purpose, deserves a victory lap.
It’s time to get creative with how we celebrate. Did Steve from IT go above and beyond to fix that glitch in record time? Let’s not just give him a pat on the back; let’s immortalize the moment with a meme that goes viral in the office chat. When Jenny from marketing nails that pitch, why not have a themed lunch that screams “We’re on purpose”? Think of it as crafting an Oscars-worthy ceremony for everyday achievements, showing the world (or at least your team) that purpose isn’t just a plaque on the wall—it’s the reason we spike the office punch bowl.
By making purpose the guest of honor at every celebration, we’re not just building a team; we’re crafting a legendary band of purpose-driven achievers. So, let’s keep the party going, because when purpose leads the toast, even the smallest win feels like a blockbuster hit.
Looking for a way to bring Purpose to your team? Contact Joshua
Check out Joshua’s new book: Purpose or Perish