Lets Describe the 3 Types of Reviewer:
1. Obligated – These are the people that always review the place they stay at or eat at. There are never huge swings in their reviews., Often they just want to feel important.
2. Ax to grind – These people always know what should have been done differently. They are experts at everything and want to feel powerful. They critique every small thing and rarely provide positive feedback.
3. Compelled – These are the most important reviewers. They are either superbly impressed or severely disappointed.
While every guest and every review is of value to an organization, the guests that have been truly compelled to write a review are going to give you the best insight into the customer’s experience. These are the reviews that need to be taken most seriously.
What to do about bad reviews?
There are three options for any establishment when faced with a bad review. You can ignore it, acknowledge it, or fight it.
In reality, only one of these is a good idea. No one likes for someone to call their baby ugly and that is exactly what a bad review feels like. Many times we want to respond or rebuttal the hurtful words. We always want to know what we can do to fix it and change their minds.
We have to accept this simple fact: It is impossible to fix someone’s opinion once they leave your property.
So, what should we do?
The only way to respond is to do so with future, potential guests in mind. Anything you say is not for your establishment or for the guest that wrote the review. Your response is only intended for future patrons. Ignoring bad reviews give the impression of carelessness or arrogance. Arguing against a bad review or attacking the reviewer is petty and abrasive.
So how should you respond? (and you MUST respond)
Acknowledge. Feel free to apologize for their perceived issue. Make a statement that highlights that your organization strives daily to serve to the best of your ability. Keep it simple, concise, and generic. The response is not the place to bring emotions into the conversation. Remember this is only for future potential guests of your establishment.
Stay passionate and always work to share your enthusiasm with ever person you interact with!