In the hospitality and travel industries, there is no greater variable than the attitudes of staff and employees. You could choose any group of colleagues and have the same results. Every group has over achievers, under achievers, proficient achievers, and the bare-minimum achievers.
Every human resources professional is left with the same problem: How can you onboard more over achievers without it costing you an arm and a leg?
While many times extraordinary individuals can cost you substantially more, there are ways of luring top talent and bargain prices.
First, look for ways to entice their interest. Are they someone that would like more time off? Maybe a they want a clear career path set in front of them? Do they want more responsibility, or possibly less?
or… do they want to work in an exemplary environment?
Putting together star teams of extraordinary people can be difficult, but more people look for the intangible things surrounding a potential position. Focusing on the culture of your organization could be the defining factor in reaching top talent and having them seek out employment from your organization!
When a company’s culture is respected and even envied, they often have piles of applicants that want to be part of it. In a recent study, 62% of people surveyed said they would take a new position for less money if the working environment and company culture was a significant improvement.
So, how do you make your organization’s culture phenomenal? You ask you current employees.
Seek out input and advice from your top tier staff. Their incite can help you craft a envy-worthy company culture. When you develop something so different, you can’t help but attract better candidates and better staff.
Have patience; large culture shifts can take a long time. Be prepared for frustrations with complacent, tenured staff that are content with mediocrity.
You may have to let people go, you might have to make huge changes, and in the end it could take much longer than you anticipate. Work to create a place that everyone wants to work and you can begin crafting an all-star team.
Stay passionate and enthusiastic in everything you do!