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5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Lets Describe the 3 Types of Reviewer: Obligated – These are the people that always review the place they stay at or eat at. There are never huge swings in their reviews., Often they just want to feel important…

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Do Other People’s Opinions of Your Business Matter?

It’s an interesting question, but lets break it down: Do people’s opinions matter? Of course other people’s opinions matter. Do I care about their opinions? Sometimes, if I value their input and respect their wisdom…

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Well Served… AND Heard – A Problem Guest, or a Problem Listening?

All guests want to be served well. The main goal of any hotel or restaurant employee is to serve their guests well. The people that come through your doors are the only reason businesses succeed…

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4 Tips to Prevent Bad Reviews: The Dark Clouds of Travel & Hospitality

As the days grind along and clients’ faces begin to blend together, it is important to remember that it only takes ONE bad review to discourage potential guests. We have to refresh ourselves regularly and be cognoscente…

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Exile your worst guests and clients.

What do you do when your guests or clients no longer want to be served? At some time or another, we have all reached a point in a business relationship where we question how much value we can actually provide a particular client…

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