It’s easy to begin something new with determination. A new year, a new job, a new relationship are all opportunities to sprint headlong into something. However, when faced with challenges, adversities, and unforeseen circumstances it can be difficult to maintain a high-level commitment…
Read moreMany years ago I had a realization while in a frenzy of worry. It was the end of November and the end of the year was looming over me. I had been building and negotiating a huge software deal with one of my clients for the previous 9 months. I hadn’t heard…
Read moreAs you are likely aware, the recent book by Mark Manson, The subtle Art of Not Giving A F### has been a huge success. Having become a New York Times Best Seller and having an expletive in the title make this an intriguing book…
Read moreAdmit it, you’ve had to fight complacency in your workplace. Whether it was trying to convince yourself to focus on a project’s completion or watching your team’s eyes glaze over with despondency, we’ve all been there…
Read moreIt’s time for you to pay people to leave your organization. There, I said it. Your organization is carrying around dead weight. Be honest with yourself. There are always going to be people that may be proficient at their work, but they will never really care about the goals or success of your company…
Read moreYou have to stop hiring mercenaries for you company right now! We’ve conditioned them to only do the things we ask for the money we provide, which is a setup formula for the bare minimum employee. They don’t care about your company…
Read moreBurning bridges is often viewed as a negative thing. If you are talking about ridding yourself of lifelong friends for personal gain then I would agree. However, I suggest that there are things in your life right NOW that you should distance yourself from…
Read moreGood luck, bad luck it’s all the same. The idea that good things or bad things happen randomly at the whim of some superstitious dogma is ridiculous. Individuals do not go through a stream of bad luck. What they are actually doing is making poor decisions…
Read moreI recently had the honor of interviewing UGG Founder, Brian Smith, on my podcast and a couple things struck me immediately. First off, he’s a laid back, wide grinning, and truly personable individual… and why wouldn’t he be?
Read moreIn a late night conversation over a beer with Victor Antonio, one of the world’s leading sales trainers, we had a frank discussion about what necessary for a person to be impactful. While the discussion meandered constantly, one of the main things…
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