Book Joshua
5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

The Holy Grail of Business Development: Customer Loyalty

Genuine customer loyalty is the Holy Grail of business development. Loyal customers will not only come back for more business, they will endorse you for free, make introductions to their friends, and protect you from your competition…

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Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Lets Describe the 3 Types of Reviewer: Obligated – These are the people that always review the place they stay at or eat at. There are never huge swings in their reviews., Often they just want to feel important…

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The Selflessness of Serving Others

Everyone is in the business of serving others… or at least they should be. The best way to build a phenomenal business is to have staff and team members that genuinely want to serve. Whether it is serving the clientele or serving…

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You Will Never be the Best if you are Mimicking your Competition

Most businesses want to be better than their competition. Yet, the vast majority of organizations look towards their competition for ideas. This is a stagnant way of doing business. If any organization wants become peerless, they must be different…

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The Impossible Utopia – Striving for Greatness in the Realm of Reality

Every manager and executive dreams of a perfectly crafted business that runs like clockwork. We would all like to see a business with loyal employees, fanatical clients, and best in class positioning in the marketplace…

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Choose One: Passionate Staff or a Mediocre Business

You will never have an extraordinary hotel, restaurant, bar, or any other type of business if your employees are complacent. You must strive for excellence and truly care about all facets of a business in order to be best in class…

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The ONE Thing you can do for Guests Today to bring Familiarity to an Unfamiliar Place

The comfort of your guests and patrons is paramount to anything in the hospitality business. Everyone likes cleanliness, efficiency, and attention to details, but the single most important factor to your guests’ well being is feeling welcomed and comfortable…

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Well Served… AND Heard – A Problem Guest, or a Problem Listening?

All guests want to be served well. The main goal of any hotel or restaurant employee is to serve their guests well. The people that come through your doors are the only reason businesses succeed…

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3 keys to Inciting Passion in your Staff

Everyone desires to be part of something extraordinary. It is often left to mangers to create an environment of enthusiasm and passion within their teams. When people are passionate about their work they commit to excellence…

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The Second Impression…

The only way you get a chance at a second impression is to make a great first impression. People rarely give establishments an opportunity to try again. People are vigilant with how they spend their time and money…

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