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5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

The Impossible Utopia – Striving for Greatness in the Realm of Reality

Every manager and executive dreams of a perfectly crafted business that runs like clockwork. We would all like to see a business with loyal employees, fanatical clients, and best in class positioning in the marketplace…

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Do Other People’s Opinions of Your Business Matter?

It’s an interesting question, but lets break it down: Do people’s opinions matter? Of course other people’s opinions matter. Do I care about their opinions? Sometimes, if I value their input and respect their wisdom…

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Reducing Pessimism in 3 Easy Steps!

Do you ever find yourself viewing the world from a negative perspective? Is the glass half empty? Everyone has to fight pessimism from time to time. Here are 3 easy steps to help you overcome your negative outlook: List your recent…

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How to Build the RIGHT Culture in Your Business

Creating a great company culture is the goal of most organizations. We all desire to be part of something great and want to truly believe in the ethos of our organizations. How can we ensure that we are building towards the RIGHT culture for our business?

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The High Cost of Low Employee Engagement

Everyone hopes their employees are engaged in their work. However, according to a recent poll they probably aren’t. Engaged Employees are great! They are genuinely more likable, more committed to their work…

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What are the Drivers of Employee Engagement?

Employee Engagement is an important part of any successful company. Executives and managers are continually asking themselves “What are the most important factors that contribute to an employee’s engagement at work?”

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Committing to Excellence

“Commit to Excellence” the poster reads. It was placed in the break room by a well meaning individual. The intention was to remind everyone to strive for the extraordinary. And why should’t every organization want their employees to be above average?

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No One Willingly Leaves Paradise.

The first thing that comes to mind is someone on vacation. Enjoying themselves, wondering why they would ever return to their normal lives. Forget that association for moment. I am speaking about building a workplace paradise for employees and staff members…

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Choose One: Passionate Staff or a Mediocre Business

You will never have an extraordinary hotel, restaurant, bar, or any other type of business if your employees are complacent. You must strive for excellence and truly care about all facets of a business in order to be best in class…

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The ONE Thing you can do for Guests Today to bring Familiarity to an Unfamiliar Place

The comfort of your guests and patrons is paramount to anything in the hospitality business. Everyone likes cleanliness, efficiency, and attention to details, but the single most important factor to your guests’ well being is feeling welcomed and comfortable…

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