Book Joshua
5-Step Guide to Realign After Disruption

Get your team back on track and reengaged at work after organizational shifts.

14 ways to rekindle your Enthusiasm for work

Everyone started their first day of work from a place of enthusiasm. It’s day 300 where the challenges seem overwhelming and the pay seems too small for what you have to put up with. We all long for that excitement again. We all want to feel…

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3 Cures for When you Hate your Job

Do you hate your job? I’m so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. Years ago I was in the exact same situation. I used to hate my job. I felt stuck without any clue on how to change my situation. I was continually waiting for something to happen…

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Do NOT Prioritize Your Schedule!

You will never get everything done. It’s that simple. There are always more tasks to be completed than there are hours in a day. So what do you do? You you prioritize your schedule. You write down a list of everything…

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How to Introduce a Speaker Without Looking Silly

It can be nerve wrecking to have to introduce a speaker, especially one that is highly sought after and expensive. If you have spent months planning and coordinating their appearance for months on end, how can you ensure your composure? Nerves set in and anxiety take over… what now?!

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4 Things the Guarantee a Phenomenal Event or Conference

Everyone wants to host an amazing event. The world is overrun with mediocre events where attendees walk away with an overwhelming sense of… “eh?” Every event manager or conference coordinator wants their attendees to walk…

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The Fog of War… Scratch that: The Fog of Business

Admit it, you have sat in a meeting wondering about what the other people are thinking. You glance around the room, keeping your cards close to your vest. You pontificate, posture, sabre rattle, and put up a facade to mislead colleagues…

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Believe or Leave

“You either believe or leave.” She said it so calmly, so succinct that it made me shake my head. She continued, “I’m not a proponent of allowing people to coast through their work. I know it’s not common for employers to demand…

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Consistency isn’t always a Good thing!

Consistency is only good when you are consistently great. Someone that is consistently subpar is horrible. When we talk about being consistent, we need to make sure the bar has been set high…

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Quit Being Negative!

In today’s world, negativity runs rampant. People often tout themselves as being realistic or just ‘looking at the facts’ when they are actually choosing a negative mentality. We all know the types of people that…

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Secret of the Wildly Successful: Fortune Favors the Bold

Yes. Throughout history, the greatest thinkers, inventors, and innovators have been bold in their conventions and not shy about their accomplishments. Being bold is not just about being loud…

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