Belgium recently moved to a 4 day work week and it’s been fantastic. Employees are happier, more productive, and companies more profitable. Apparently, companies save loads of money on energy consumption by limiting the number of hours people spend at work each week. What’s not to love? You may be asking yourself, why didn’t we move to this sooner? If you’re interested in how to implement this kind of change at your company, keep reading. Here are the details on the 4 day work week in Belgium and why it’s fantastic.
Working remotely is becoming increasingly popular. This is particularly for younger workers who are more attached to their mobile devices than ever. It also allows employees to balance their professional and personal lives more easily. In addition, there’s evidence that working from home makes people more productive. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to remote working; some companies do it better than others. The key?
One of the biggest benefits of a four-day work week is increased productivity. Studies show that employees who spend fewer hours at their desks are more productive as they’re getting more done. These people achieve an equal amount or more of work within a shorter period of time. This is especially true when you look at unemployment rates. Countries with less work weeks also have lower unemployment rates. And on top of that, people who enjoy less workweeks tend to be happier workers with higher quality output—an important aspect to consider for any successful company culture.
I hate the term work/life balance because it presupposes that work and life should be balanced. However, work is but one part of life. Research has shown that a 4-day work week greatly improves productivity. Employees are more energized, they develop better relationships with co-workers, they’re less stressed, and they even drink less alcohol at night! On top of that, a shorter workweek helps companies save money since they don’t have to pay employees for days when there’s no work.
Employees who aren’t getting enough sleep, are more likely to call out sick. A study published in SLEEP found employees who got less than seven hours of sleep had roughly two times more absences than those getting 8.5 hours or more. The study also revealed those sleeping fewer than six hours a night had almost three times as many absences as those sleeping 7 to 8.5 hours per night. Short on sleep? You may be at higher risk for developing colds and other illnesses which could limit your productivity (and keep you home sick). Simply consider adjusting your work schedule—especially if you’re easily disrupted by noise and commotion during off-hours—or find other ways to prioritize your health (like making sure you get an adequate amount of exercise daily).